Paul speaks these words to Timothy in 1 Timothy 1:18 to encourage him to live out the calling entrusted to him, to fight the battle well.  I found myself reflecting  on all the seasons including those I didn’t fight as well, possibly didn’t fight at all. .

Those were the seasons I got distracted, seasons my high justice button clouted Godly wisdom.  Nobody asked me to be the Moses.  These were the seasons I was yelling “let my people go!” but I’d lost sight of my real fight. .

The real enemy.


It’s not against flesh and blood.  It never was and it never will be.


It’s easy to forget the words that have been spoken over us in the chaos of the battle.  Yet there they are- promises from the Lord, that are irrevocable and echoing like a drum, a war cry…


“My promises are YES and AMEN.”


And even when I’ve wanted to quit, even when I’ve been so wounded I could barely walk I’m reminded of the words spoken over me that cannot be revoked even when I’m broken and worn down and responding like a child. .

God in His mercy is right there to correct and redirect.  He’s right there to teach me that fighting this fight well means loving, forgiving, serving, trusting…all the things that don’t come easy when we’ve been hurt or disappointed.  I learned that fighting this fight well actually has very little to do with saving anyone, all God is asking me to do is love them. .

Paul knew Timothy needed to be reminded of those words spoken about him so he’d keep going.  Do you remember the first time someone called out a gift in you?  An anointing?  A calling?


Stir it up!  And maybe you’re hearing it for the first time now so hold this close:


You have gifts and callings on your life that are unique to how you have been created and, “He who began a good work in you is FAITHFUL to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” You have purpose.


Don’t quit.  Keep fighting the fight.  Wage the good warfare.  Have faith that people see good things in you, things God has planted deep inside of you. .

You aren’t fighting alone. .

#raisedtostay #pk #church #ministry