I often hear friends say they don’t want to get married because they watched their parents go through divorce.  Others fear trying to get pregnant because their mom suffered multiple miscarriages.  Some are avoiding the church because their family was hurt badly by the church. From generational alcoholism to family history of disease we all have unique personal testimonies of things we saw and experienced within our families.  But GOD!


My parent’s story, their ministry is part of who I am but it was never meant to be my story or ministry.  He equipped your parents for their call and what He was asking them to walk out and He’s equipping you for your own assignment and future.  Don’t be afraid to say YES to your calling based off what you may have seen as a kid…God has something special for you and He flips scripts all the time to show us He’s the one holding the pen.  Be thankful for what you have learned- get excited for what’s ahead! .

#raisedtostay #pk #pklife #church #ministry #sayyes