So many anointed friends I grew up with in ministry are walking away from the Church because of church hurt.  Trust me…as a PK I know church hurt🙋🏻‍♀️. But oh the FREEDOM that comes with the sudden realization that the handful of people who hurt me AND (Ahem..) even MY OWN behavior at my worse doesn’t represent the heart of who GOD’s Church really is.

Don’t leave.  Find a church community and plant yourself, use your gifts, refuse to move until God moves you.  Volunteer.  Serve.  Learn the names of the people and hear their stories. .

We were raised in the church as kids to take what we’ve learned to stay and teach the next generation how to commit and be faithful.  I’ve learned it’s never easy but always worth it.

You were raised to stay. .

#pk #pastorskid #pklife #ministry #churchkid #yes #church #community #raisedtostay