Rebel With A Cause

Rebel With A Cause

I’m ready to fight for my brothers and sisters who were tricked into exchanging their armor of God for man made logic and self help books. When I was eleven years old I went to our church Harvest Party (Google that if you need to) dressed as Jezebel.  It was my...
Even When It Hurts

Even When It Hurts

When we allow God to minister to us in the form of reconciliation we get our lives back and we give life to others.   When I was 17 years old I felt pain like never before when my family abruptly and unexpectedly had to said goodbye to our home church.  It...
My Initials Are Not P.K.

My Initials Are Not P.K.

We have a name… we have a place in God’s Church. We have a destiny! I’ve been trying to write a book for twenty years now.  It’s a comedy, drama, horror, inspirational piece all wrapped up in one for a very specific audience of my very own peers, Pastor’s Kids....