
I saw the Lion King with the girls this week.  There’s a scene where Simba is trying to roar at the hyenas but it comes out cracking, squeaking… laughter from the enemy overcomes his little growl.  Then he opens his mouth and a giant roar comes out,...

I pass this flower everyday when walking the dog.  I’ve almost picked it a few times.  I haven’t picked it mostly because it’s a protected green space and I could be arrested- but secondly because it reminds me that God grows beautiful things in solitude,...

He Will Finish It

I’ve made some pretty stupid decisions over the last 20 years.  I’ve hurt people.  I’ve been reckless in many ways.  I’ve disqualified myself in ugly tantrums on the floor and God does what any loving parent does- steps over me, crosses His arms and...

Our parents lost their minds in the 90’s (with good intentions) and now we’re adults and writing books about it…and they are buying their grandchildren a unicorn shirt a week as if they weren’t afraid Satan himself was hiding in that horn just 25 years ago 😂...

Our Story Is Different

I often hear friends say they don’t want to get married because they watched their parents go through divorce.  Others fear trying to get pregnant because their mom suffered multiple miscarriages.  Some are avoiding the church because their family was hurt...