The sanctuary was my classroom.  I took notes on the back of offering envelopes and sat directly behind our piano player where I could watch their every move.  I have journals filled with sermon notes, binders full of chord charts and conference materials.  And every single time I step up on a platform to lead worship or speak I am aware I still have so much to learn.


I’m still front and center every time I get to sit under my pastors.  I take notes.  I look forward to my friends leading me in worship.  To lead I must be led.  To speak I must learn how to listen.  To lead worship I must know how to worship when I’m not leading. .

That space between the pew and platform has to be filled with more than just social media likes and followers.  It has to be made of more than man’s approval and Spotify statistics – it’s holy ground. .

It’s stained with tears.


It’s carved with the initials of those who have gone before us. .

It’s a well worn path of the saints who had something to teach us.  I pray I retained some of their wisdom despite my adolescent note passing and whispering into the hymnal. .

We all want the platform but we need the pew.  We need to know how to lead from the pew.  Because when that platform brings criticism the pew provides a refuge.  When the platform represents failure the pew provides refreshment.  When the pulpit feels heavy the pew is where we remember the time we learned His yoke is easy and his burden light. .

I don’t want the platform without the pew.  I don’t want the pulpit without His presence. .

#raisedtostay #pk #pklife #ministry #church #lead