I saw the Lion King with the girls this week.  There’s a scene where Simba is trying to roar at the hyenas but it comes out cracking, squeaking… laughter from the enemy overcomes his little growl.  Then he opens his mouth and a giant roar comes out, but it’s not his.  Mufasa, his father, has saved him from death.


When I first began in ministry I wanted to roar but I was just a cub.  I tried fighting at a lot of things but soon realized it wasn’t my time to protect or fight for any one tribe or pride- rather a time to watch and learn and stay out of trouble.


I wish I could tell you it gets easier but I’m still learning how to use my voice these days.  I still have leaders and mentors in my life whose roar is stronger, whom I gladly stand behind.  The Lord started using my voice 20 years ago leading worship where people let me make mistakes and try new things and grow.  I cracked a lot. In the past year I’ve been speaking and writing more and I don’t recognize my roar just yet.  It’s different and a bit shaky and sometimes feels weak.  But be sure, my roar is in there and the enemy isn’t laughing. .

If I could tell my 20 year old self something I’d say let your voice crack.  If you’re new to ministry stand behind someone who roars and take notes.  Don’t be in a hurry.  One day it will be your turn and when that day comes you’ll know how to use your voice.  God has given you a sound that is all yours, nobody can take it.  He recognizes it.  He champions it.  But we practice our roar in the hidden places so when it’s time to use it the enemy knows who our Dad is. .

Let your voice crack.  You’re learning how to roar. .

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