I’ve made some pretty stupid decisions over the last 20 years.  I’ve hurt people.  I’ve been reckless in many ways.  I’ve disqualified myself in ugly tantrums on the floor and God does what any loving parent does- steps over me, crosses His arms and says, “I’ll start when you finish.”


It’s in my exhausted heap with tears seared into my cheeks that I find Him patiently waiting for me to get up.  He hasn’t changed His mind about me even when I am most silly.  Most ungrateful.  Most hateful.  He often has to change His method in how He uses me but that’s not because He doesn’t know what to do with me.  He’s very sure of me.  He loves me.


So I pick myself up and do that awkward laugh that I do when I’m embarrassed, take my Father’s hand and as my ten year old says in a sing song voice after a major meltdown, “Actinggggg….”😬


He has a work to do in me and His Word promises He will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.  He doesn’t  quit anything.  He doesn’t abandon anyone. .

His mind is made up about you too.  So get off the floor and let Him finish what He started.  You’ve been raised to stay and finish this race. .

#raisedtostay #ministry #pk #pklife #pastor #church #churchkid