I pass this flower everyday when walking the dog.  I’ve almost picked it a few times.  I haven’t picked it mostly because it’s a protected green space and I could be arrested- but secondly because it reminds me that God grows beautiful things in solitude, even barren and dry places.


There isn’t a single flower growing near it.  Nothing but dirt and a few cactus.  Yet every single day I see her pedals opening a bit more to the sun and tonight she was showing off. .

So if you’ve been faithfully sitting behind a desk, in an office, alone in your room with just a piano and journal, rocking your baby at 3am, cleaning the church at midnight, behind the scenes and nobody sees you, that’s a good place to be in.  God is telling you things that you couldn’t hear in the chaos of being seen. .

God grows beautiful things in quiet places.  You’re not alone.  You haven’t been isolated.  Maybe you’ve been set apart. .

#raisedtostay #pk #pklife #creation #bloom #ministry